Week 4
The Reference
1. Where can you find information about Nobel Prize? Who get the Nobel Prize this year?
The Nobal prize for 2008 goes to
Check out the list in the link
The information that I found on the nobel prizes are from the internet. This is the link to the website to find the notel prize for the year 2009.
This year there was no award being rewarded because the awards will be held in the beginning of October
Other information on Nobel prizes could be found in this website.
The Nobel Prize (Swedish: Nobelpriset) is a Swedish & International monetary prize, established by the 1895 will and estate of Swedish chemist and inventor Alfred Nobel. It was first awarded in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace in 1901. An associated prize, The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, was instituted by Sweden's central bank in 1968 and first awarded in 1969. The Nobel Prizes in the specific disciplines (Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, and Literature) and the Prize in Economics, which is commonly identified with them, are widely regarded as the most prestigious award one can receive in those fields. The Nobel Peace Prize conveys social prestige and is often politically controversial.
2.Go to Encyclopedia Online at http://library.spu.ac.th Search for the history of autobiles or computer. Summarize the informaiton you get.
The information I get from the website is that the wesite is in thai language. I would suggest since I am studying in the international faculaty there should make the website in English. I am not able to find a specific encloypidia. This section would relate in the automobiles section of the encyclopedia. From the letters A. the first section of the encloypidia.
For example a sample of list would look like this.
QD 39.3.M3 ข226พ 2539
Call No.
Due Date
3. What is the difference between general book and Refernce book
A reference collection is a collection of source in print and electronic from intended to be referred to rather than read. The materials are usually not for loan outside the library.
The Reference collection consist of encyclopedias, dictionaries, directories, years books, almanacs, states and other sources providing readily accessible reference information. It is arranged to enable convenient and rapid use by library clients and staff.
General books are related to fictions and non fictions. This is very general. Text books can be related in general books. These books could relation to free writing.
4. When do you need to search information from the reference?
You may search these information during a search time,. A topic related to history. A meaning of
a specific topic. It could be related to anything from humans, religion to airplane.
Source: Personal definition
5. What type of reference collection that you like to use most? And Why?
The Source of reference I like to use most is the Manual. This is because it gives me the instructions on doing, making or performing something.
Source: Personal definition
6. Copy 1 page of the book and write in the blog.
Chiang Mai Rajabhat University is a university in the north of Thailand. It is under the Royal Thai Ministry of Education. The university was founded in 1924 as an agricultural teacher training college. In 1948, it became Chiang Mai Teachers College and offered majors in a variety of subject areas. On February 14, 1982, the year of King Rama IX's sixtieth birthday, His Majesty proclaimed Thailand's 36 teacher's Colleges to be Rajabhat Institutes; they then began offering majors and degree programmes in non-teaching fields. On March 6, 1985, His Majesty the King graciously granted the use of his royal crest as the Rajabhat Institute emblem. Rajabhat Institute Chiang Mai became Chiang Mai Rajabhat University in 2004.
Enrolment is about 10,000, and classes are divided into regular, evening and weekends. Most students come from secondary schools in northern Thailand, some even from remote areas. Chiang Mai Rachapbhat University is thus a community institute which provides a comprehensive education for local students and working people.
There are five faculties and one graduate school, employing about 500 faculty members.
There are four campuses:
Wieng Boa, the main campus, is on Chang Puek Road, in the center of Chiang Mai.
Mae Sa, the campus of Faculty of Management Science, is in Mae Rim District, 10 kilometers from Chiang Mai.
Sa Luang (2,320 acres), campus of the Agricultural Center, is in Mae Rim District, 27 kilometers from Chiang Mai.
Mae Hong Son campus, in Mae Hong Son, is the center for external services in educational area.
WeeK 3
1)Journal & Magazine
A Journal is a personal record of occurrences, experiences, and reflections kept on a regular basis such as a diary.
The Steps a writer should follow while writing a journal are to be considers
For example magazines i read are mens health and FHM For Him magazine
Title is probably the most important part of the paper as readers will decide whether to proceed to read your article or not pending on it. It should describe the research and is short, informative and concise. Avoid using a title starting with “ A study of….” as this is obviously a study. Interesting title attracts readers. It is analogous to marketing a product to reach out to your readers.
Authors. Each author should have made significant contribution to the design, analysis, and writing up of the paper to take public responsibility for its content.1 The first author is one who has major input into the study and prepares most part of the manuscript.Abstract. Different journal may specify different abstract format. Follow the instructions for authors.
The abstract normally consists of background, objective, methods, settings, designs, results and conclusions. Usually this is limited to 200-250 words. Summarise new and important findings and main conclusion of the study. Do not use phrases such as “ this will be discussed...” or “further detail will follow…” because abstract are more likely to be accessible to readers than the full text article.
Keywords. Following abstract, usually 3-10 key words are required that are usually MeSH headings so that it will ease the process of indexing and cross-referencing. The words usually convey the research studied or important concepts, methods, population or setting of the study.
The main text usually follows The IMRAD system, which is the basic of writing a scientific paper. IMRAD stands for Introduction, Methods, Results And Discussion. It deciphers different questions posed. In the introduction, we answer and explain “Why did you start (the study)?”, in methods, explain “what did you do?”, in results, detail “what did you find?”, and in discussion, explain “what does it all mean?”
Introduction. In this section, describe in brief the background of the research topics with relevant up to date review of key articles in literature. Explain the reasons for your study as well as its relevance. State the research question, objectives and rationale of the study.
Methods. Describe in detail your methodology that includes research design, settings, population studied, inclusion and exclusion criteria, the time that study was done, the instruments used to measure outcome, recruitment or data collection processes, and approval from ethics committee. State the statistical software used where applicable as well as the statistical tests employed. If the study is on drugs, use generic names.
Results. Provide all relevant results for readers to assess the validity of the conclusions. Present the results that answer the research question early follow by secondary results. For quantitative studies, provide details of response rates. Describe the sample characteristics. Use text, tables or graphs to present data in a clear and organised manner so that it is easier for the readers to comprehend. Different results may present better in different forms. Tables are useful in summarising findings. Do not use tables or any graphic forms if the data can be written in a few sentences in running text. Data also should not be repeated in different format, as it does not provide any added information. Label all tables and figures or illustrations.
Source: http://ejournal.afpm.org.my/v1n2-3/research_notes5-1.htm
2)DC & LC Classfication
Library of Congress Call Number.
Call numbers can begin with one, two, or three letters.
The first letter of a call number represents one of the 21 major divisions of the LC System. In the example, the subject "Q" is Science.
The second letter "E" represents a subdivision of the sciences, Geology. All books in the QE's are primarily about Geology.
Books in categories E, United States History, and F, Local U.S. History and American History, do not have a second letter (exception: in Canada, FC is used for Canadian history).
Books about Law, K's, can have three letters, such as KFH, Law of Hawaii. Some areas of history (D) also have three-letter call numbers.
Most other subject areas will have call numbers beginning with one or two letters.
For most of the subject areas, the single letter represents books of a general nature for that subject area (i.e. Q - General Science or D - General World History).
Source: http://geography.about.com/library/congress/blhowto.htm
3)What is the call number?
Each book in the library has a unique call number. A call number is like an address: it tells us where the book is located in the library.
Note that the same call number can be written from top-to-bottom, or left-to-right.
Reading call numbers:
What does the call number mean?
Remember that Library of Congress Classification arranges materials by subjects.
The first sections of the call number represent the subject of the book.
The letter-and-decimal section of the call number often represents the author's last name.
And, as you recall, the last section of a call number is often the date of publication.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
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